Owning a house is one of the greatest achievements many people have in their lives. However, there are other responsibilities that come along with the ownership, and that is maintenance and repairs. Many people have concrete floors, and over time the concrete can crack and look bad. However, is you contact one of the r of daysLondon liquid screed companies you will have your concrete floor looking as good as new withing a matte.
What is screed?
It is a material that contains a mixture of cement and sand. It can be applied over concrete floors and slabs. When the application is complete, your floor will look brand new and will have an incredible shine. If you want to install floor heating pipes, applying screed over them is the best way to go as well. Once the pipes have been set, the material can be applied as a liquid which will dry in 24 to 48 hours and will be ready for foot traffic.
How is it done?
The mixture comes in a liquid form and can be applied very quickly using a specialized applicator. It is a relatively straightforward process and can be suitable in many circumstances. The liquid screed is also ideal for commercial buildings that want to have a concrete floor repaired fast. It does not require much time, and this is beneficial for any company.
The benefits
You will find that there are many benefits of using this product so let us look a few below.
Ready made application
It is a premixed material, so there is not need to do any combining of materials on site.
Reduced drying time
Unlike concrete, mixtures of screed require very little drying time. You will be able to walk on the floor within two days of application.
Reduced labor
The mixture can be pumped directly to the surface that needs the application. There is no need for transporting of the material back and forth in wheelbarrows. The number of people required for the process is very minimal.
Self leveling
This unique mixture has self-leveling properties, so you do not have to worry about an uneven floor after the application. Your floor will look shiny and new.
Applying screed on your broken or old floor is much cheaper than redoing your floor with concrete. The contractor will charge you according to the area, so you will know in advance exactly how much you need to spend.